Image binarization and edge tracing are some old school image technologies.
Just played with them in as3 when I was trying to create a cartoon filter for flash.
Those techs are pixel level transformations, get/setPixel and get/setPixel32 can do that job,
it works slow, though.
The result,
original image:Binarized image:
Nothing new here. But if you need it, here are the codes:
*Simple Image Binarization and Edge Tracing Test in ActionScript3.0
*May. 15, 2009
*Bruce Jawn
*Feel Free To Use This Code!
*Build this class file with FLEX or FlashDevelop
*OR Set Document Class in Flash IDE (9 and above)
*OR just copy what between "TIMELINE CODES BEGIN<<"*">>TIMELINE CODES END"-
*to Flash IDE TIMELINE and Press Ctrl+Enter.-
*Don't forget to give your image a linkage-"SourceImage"-
*and remove "//" before "var mytex:..."!
package {
import flash.display.*;
//[SWF(backgroundColor="#000000", frameRate="12", width="550", height="400")]
public class IBET_Test_Timeline_Class extends Sprite {
private var SourceImage:Class;
public function IBET_Test_Timeline_Class():void {
var mytex:BitmapData=(new SourceImage()).bitmapData;
//TIMELINE CODES BEGIN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
//var mytex:BitmapData=new SourceImage(0,0);
var w:int=mytex.width;
var h:int=mytex.height;
var c:Array=new Array(256);
function look(a:int,b:int):void {
for (var i:int=0; i< a; i++) {
for (var i:int=a; i< a+b-1; i++) {
for (var i:int=a+b-1; i<=255; i++) {
}//end of function look
var outB:BitmapData=new BitmapData(w,h,false,0x000000);//Binarized Image
//Graylize Source Image
for (var i:int=w-1; i>=0; i--) {
for (var j:int=0; j<=h-1; j++) {
var pixelValue:uint=mytex.getPixel32(i,j);
var alphaValue:uint=pixelValue>>24&0xFF;
var red:uint=pixelValue>>16&0xFF;
var green:uint=pixelValue>>8&0xFF;
var blue:uint=pixelValue&0xFF;
var color:uint=Math.round(0.3*red+0.59*green+0.11*blue);
var cc:uint=c[color];
if (cc>0) {
} else {
}//end of for0
}//end of for1
var outT:BitmapData=outB.clone();//Edge Image
for (i=1; i<=w-1; i++) {
for (j=1; j<=h-1; j++) {
var pixelValue1:uint=outB.getPixel(i,j);
if (pixelValue1==0) {
var n1:uint=outB.getPixel(i+1,j);
var n2:uint=outB.getPixel(i,j+1);
var n3:uint=outB.getPixel(i-1,j);
var n4:uint=outB.getPixel(i,j-1);
var n5:uint=outB.getPixel(i-1,j-1);
var n6:uint=outB.getPixel(i+1,j+1);
var n7:uint=outB.getPixel(i+1,j-1);
var n8:uint=outB.getPixel(i-1,j+1);
if (n1+n2+n3+n4+n5+n6+n7+n8==0) {
}//end of if (n1+n2+n3+n4+n5+n6+n7+n8==0)
}//end of if (pixelValue1==0)
}//end of for0
}//end of for1
addChild(new Bitmap(outB));
addChild(new Bitmap(outT));
//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TIMELINE CODES END
}//end of function IBET_Test_Timeline_Class
}//end of class
}//end of package
UPDATA 2009_7_09
another cartoon filter (version B) using Image binarization and edge tracing:
original image:
source file: