Quite a long time since I released the first demo of RealBengine, which is written in HaXe and based on NME. Now I ported the demo to the newest OpenFL, almost with no extra effort. The good thing is now it can compile to the HTML5 target directly, thanks to jgranick's setPixels fix for the HTML5 target: http://community.openfl.org/t/bitmapdata-setpixels-doesnt-work-in-html5/348/3
RealBengine is the candidate of the future version of my voxel render Bengine, it is based on software ray tracing and it has 6 degree of freedom.
DEMO (Win32 binary):
W/S Arrow UP/Down - Move Forward/Back
Arrow Left/Right - Move Left/Right
Q/E - Move Up/Down
A/D - Look Up/Down
I am happy to find this post very useful for me
Aion Classic Kinah is central to the game as it allows the purchase of skins, pets, and house decors, get better weapons and armor and other numerous items. Of course, you can make Kinah throughout the game.